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菲律宾有亲子鉴定吗 有DNA检测吗 详细解答

浏览次数: 252次更新时间:2023-09-14 23:00:42


菲律宾亲子鉴定多少钱 多少时间 

Our DNA paternity test starts from only  PHP24,800  for testing alleged father and child. There are NO EXTRA FEES and you get your result in just 2-3 weeks.

谷歌翻译: 我们的DNA亲子鉴定从只有PHP24800开始检测所谓的父亲和孩子。没有额外费用你可以在2-3周内得到结果,准确率为99.99%。


We offer an extensive portfolio of tests to meet any testing needs. The most popular test is our Paternity Test, which confirms the biological relationship between father and child. Our standard Paternity Test is affordably priced from a little as PHP24,800 . This covers testing the alleged father and one child. Results have an accuracy rate of up to 99.999%.

谷歌翻译: 我们提供广泛的测试组合,以满足任何测试需求。最流行的测试是我们的亲子鉴定,它可以确认父亲和孩子之间的生物学关系。我们的标准亲子鉴定是负担得起的价格从一个小PHP24800。这包括测试所谓的父亲和一个孩子。结果的准确率高达99.999%。


DNA Sample Collection Guide Using Our Home DNA Test Kit

If you want to understand clearly the collection process using our DNA test kit, you should follow these visual instructions carefully. The process needs to be repeated for every individual participating in the test. These instructions will also be included inside your kit.

Step-by-step instructions

Our DNA test kit contains oral swabs (also called “buccal swabs”). Watch our brief sample collection video to learn how to collect your samples or read the more detailed step by step instructions below.

DNA Testing Kit

Step 1

The DNA test kit contains a number of differently coloured envelopes. The kits are usually pre-packed and will include four swabs per person for up to three people. On the inside of each envelope you will find 4 swabs. We recommended not eating or drinking for a minimum of half an hour before you take the oral samples.

DNA Testing Kit

Step 2

Fill out the submission forms as well as the details on the envelope/s making sure everything is filled in clearly and correctly. Please print in block capitals. This form will authorise us to analyse your samples. If you send in forms that are not properly filled in, your testing will be put on hold and you will be asked to send us new forms.

DNA Testing Kit

Step 3

Take the swabs out from the envelope. The swabs will be wrapped individually in plastic wrappers which may be discarded. Whilst removing swabs, try not to touch the cotton ended part with your fingers as this could contaminate the DNA sample. Now you can proceed to actually collecting the DNA samples by firmly rubbing the swabs on the inside of each cheek (30 times each or for about 1 minute). Be certain to move the swab over the entire inner cheek surface. This action should be firm but not aggressive and should not be uncomfortable. Repeat this process for the same individual with the second swab.

DNA Testing Kit

Step 4

The next step is simple: allow the swabs to air dry. This is best done indoors. One hour is more than enough. When in the process of drying your swabs remember you want to keep them as clean as possible so make sure the swabs do not get mixed up and that swabs from different people do not touch each other (we suggest placing swabs from different test participants in a separate glass for drying). Also make sure that no dirt comes into contact with the swabs. After one hour, the swabs will be dry. There is not need to check if they are still damp by touching them.

DNA Testing Kit

Step 5

After the one hour drying time is up, you can place the swabs back inside the envelopes. It is crucial to do this with care so as not to place the wrong swabs in the wrong envelope (for example, blue swabs in the pink envelopes). Such errors can create delays when we receive your samples. Send all samples and consent forms back using our pre-addressed envelope.



如果您想使用我们的 DNA 测试套件清楚地了解采集过程,您应该仔细遵循这些视觉说明。每个参加测试的个人都需要重复这个过程。这些说明也将包含在您的工具包中。




第 1 步

DNA 测试套件包含许多不同颜色的信封。该套件通常预包装,将包括每人四个拭子,最多三人。在每个信封的内侧,你会发现4个拭子。我们建议您在进行口服取样前至少半小时不要进食或饮水。


第 2 步

填写提交表格以及信封/s 上的详细信息,确保所有内容都清晰正确地填写。请打印块大写字母。此表格将授权我们分析您的样本。如果您发送的表格没有正确填写,您的测试将被搁置,您将被要求向我们发送新的表格。


第 3 步

把拭子从信封里拿出来。拭子将单独包裹在塑料包装中,可能会丢弃。在取出棉签时,尽量不要用手指触摸棉布末端部分,因为这可能会污染DNA样本。现在,您可以通过牢牢地摩擦每个脸颊内部的拭子(每个面颊内侧 30 次或大约 1 分钟)来实际收集 DNA 样本。一定能将拭子移到整个内脸颊表面。这一行动应该是坚定的,但不应咄咄逼人,不应感到不舒服。用第二个拭子为同一个人重复此过程。


第 4 步



第 5 步


